When I think May, spring cleaning is definitely at the forefront of my mind. I love to take the time to clean up, organize and de-clutter all the junk that has been piling up over the last bit of time.
Let's take this challenge to do a spring reset and reorganize our homes and minds.
Day 1:
Empty 1 junk drawer.
Day 2:
Clean out your clothes.
Day 3:
Go through a collection and clean it out (movies, books, etc)
Day 4:
Clean out a bookshelf or TV stand.
Day 5:
Go through mail and magazines.
Day 6:
Clean off a table
Day 7:
Clean out 2 kitchen cabinets
Day 8:
Clean out your wallet
Day 9:
Clean out make up drawer
Day 10:
Get rid of shoes that have not been worn.
Day 11: Clean out purse.
Day 12:
Clean out another 2 kitchen cabinets.
Day 13:
Clean out medicine cabinet.
Day 14:
Clean our freezer.
Day 15:
Clear off kitchen counters.
Day 16:
Clean out fridge.
Day 17:
Clean out your car.
Day 18:
Organize toys.
Day 19:
Donate old toys and game boards.
Day 20:
Organize cleaning supplies.
Day 21:
Organize your bedroom.
Day 22:
Remove apps on phone that you don't us.
Day 23:
Sort through emails.
Day 24:
Update and organize calendar.
Day 25:
Clean out front entrance closet.
Day 26:
Organize hair accessories (elastics, clips, brushes)
Day 27:
Organize underwear and sock drawer.
Day 28:
Organize office space.
Day 29:
Organize kid's room or pet area.
Day 30:
Organize laundry room.
Day 31:
Refresh and clear out your mind with meditation and reflect on this challenge.