As the new year begins, it is time to put our own self and well-being as a priority. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we tend to forget about being present in the moment and doing things that will do ourselves well. Sometimes all it takes is setting 5 minutes aside to ourselves a day to have a whole new positive outlook.

Day 1:
Take a social media break & spend your free time reading a book. Shop books I’m loving here.
Day 2:
Listen to your favourite music playlist
Day 3:
Watch your favourite movie
Day 4:
Call a friend or family member you’ve been thinking of
Day 5:
Do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise
Day 6:
Spend extra time with your pet
Day 7:
Go to bed 30 minutes earlier
Day 8:
Do a breathing exercise
Day 9:
Spend some time organizing something that’s been bothering you
Day 10:
Watch the sunrise or sunset, or both!
Day 11:
Cook/order your favourite meal
Day 12:
Try out a new form of physical activity
Day 13:
Put on your favourite music and dance
Day 14:
Spend time outdoors
Day 15:
Drink at least 10 glasses of water Day 16:
Do yoga or stretching. Shop a yoga mat here.
Day 17:
Schedule 30 minutes of alone time
Day 18:
Eat 4-5 fruits and vegetables
Day 19:
Find a meditation video and do it
Day 20:
Wake up 30 minutes earlier and do something you’ve been neglecting
Day 21:
Light some candles. Shop candles here.
Day 22:
Take a bath
Day 23:
Journal how you’re day went. Shop a journal notebook here.
Day 24:
Write down 5 things you’re grateful for
Day 25:
Sit and have a warm drink at a time throughout the day you normally wouldn’t
Day 26:
Buy a colouring book. Shop here.
To check out a colouring book made by West Islanders, shop here.
Day 27:
Bake your favourite dessert
Day 28:
Look in the mirror and name 5 things you love about yourself
Day 29:
Go for a walk
Day 30:
Try a new activity you’ve been dying to try
Day 31:
Write down goals for the next month