Refined carbohydrates
Ever eat a plate of pasta and an hour later you’re in need of a nap? This is because pasta, as well as white bread, crackers, candy, juices are full of refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are full a sugar, where they give you a 'sugar high' after first eating them, where it will eventually drop drastically and make us feel tired.
Usually these carbs do not have a great amount of fibre, so it makes it harder on the body to break down the food. When choosing carbs, try and choose foods that are higher in fibre so that energy burst and let down isn't as prominent.
Here is a list of refined carbohydrates:
White bread
Pizza dough
White flour
White rice
Sweet dessert
Many breakfast cereals

Red meat
The way red meat is processed can be difficult on the body to digest, meaning that it takes up a lot of our body's energy. Since it is harder to digest, it can increase our risk of imbalanced gut health and increased inflammation.
Here is a list of red meats:

Foods you are sensitive to
According to Dr. Kimberly O'Brien, here is a list of the top 10 most common food sensitivities:
Cow’s Milk, Cheese and Whey Protein
Wheat and Other Gluten-Containing Grains
Rice, Quinoa, Oats and Other Gluten-Free Grains
Tree Nuts – Especially Almonds, Cashews and Pistachios
Citrus Fruits
Nightshade Vegetables

Overconsumption of caffeine
Caffeine blocks the hormone that makes us feel tired, but when this wears off we’ll just feel the fatigue again.
Caffeine can be found in:
Energy drinks
Soft drinks
Source: Poosh